Chris's Blog

Begun in 2011,this blog touches on many subjects. But looking back, the common thread seems to be the importance of work, and the importance to me of my own trade, flying airplanes.

Arcadia Flies Again

At the end of "The Decline and Fall of Air Arcadia" the airline herself is an old lady declining in an asylum. In September 2014 she flew again in her old colours, following the route of the 1939 transcontinental.

You can read about the trip here, or in Mission 2014.


Published on Jun 25, 2016 by Chris in Humanity

Why this is the wrong way, and why the populists have a point The Brexit will be an historic milestone. It will be a marker, pointing out what not to do as humanity moves forward. It will bring the limitations … Continue reading

Who Am I?

Published on Jun 19, 2016 by Chris in Humanity

Existential Crisis? Who is God? We have come to accept that She is Black, but we are shocked to discover that She is also Transgender. Why does that come to mind? Because last week’s news, more than ever, reminds us … Continue reading

The Tiny Diamond

Published on Jan 9, 2015 by Chris

Minimums My head is beginning the switch to go-around mode. I glance up at 100 above, and see nothing. No difference from 1000 above. If I don’t see something soon . . . Minimums. No contact. My hand is on … Continue reading

Hangars and History

Published on Nov 20, 2014 by Chris

History emerges during re-enactment of 1939 transcontinental flight The sense of history crept up on me. At first it was just my own history: I remember a layover in North Bay in 1973. I was a very green First Officer … Continue reading